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Programming & Events

Upcoming Events

Signature Events

  • Block Party

    The Block party is just that - a party! Come enjoy some live music, meet some of the student orgs, dance, and more! Kick off the school year with the Office of Multicultural Affairs in the parking lot across the street from Kansas Union and next to Smith Hall.

  • Women and Femmes of Color Retreat

    This is an affinity space created for KU Women and Femmes of Color, student, staff, faculty and alumni are welcomed! This year, our theme is going to be "Living in our Liberation" as Women and Femmes of Color. Join us for a day of food, yoga, community building, giveaways and more! Stay tuned, and check out our Facebook event for Special Guest announcements and more information!

  • OMA Graduation

    The OMA Graduation has been an annual tradition and a way to honor and celebrate our students of color and the OMA community. In addition to your commencement ceremony, we invite you to join the OMA staff in one last hurrah and send off for the students, as well as an opportunity to celebrate our end of the year award recipients.

OMA Newsletter

Our bi-monthly newsletter is where we share news and upcoming events - subscribe to stay in the know!